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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Elementary, My Dear Watson"

     In honor of the new Sherlock Holmes movie, I have decided to write a whole post on the man.

     Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (the guy who invented Sherlock) did not actually intend that his creation would become so wildly popular.  People soon became hooked with Holmes' crime solving, his personality, and, most of all, his skills of deduction.  Holmes could take several things about a person and deduce pretty much anything having to do with them.  When explained, however, he makes it seem like the simplest thing in the world.

     Movies, TV shows, and other books have sprung up dealing with the famous detective.  Because I was a bit bored a few days ago, I decided to look up a show about Sherlock Homes I had hear of called Sherlock.  Though I did not find the actual show, I stumbled across a website about the show where the director of Sherlock referred to Holmes as "Aspergerish."

     Thinking on it, I realized the man was right.  Holmes, if you read the stories, doesn't show much emotion, doesn't seem to have a lot of friends, except Watson, and has an obsession with crime.  Holmes is strongly an Aspie in many ways, and it's because he is that people find him so fascinating.  Holmes is respected and admired because of these traits.  People sometimes consider him the greatest fictional detective ever.  Sherlock never stepped down from a case and held true to what he knew and stuck to it.  He is a wonderful example of an Aspie.  So, if you ever feel unimportant or you find yourself thinking about not standing up for what is right, think WWSD? (What Would Sherlock Do?)

     Originally posted at on December 27, 2011.

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